Thread: Was 819 HDTV?
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Old 9th Feb 2007, 10:22 pm   #9
Hybrid tellies
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Default Re: Was 819 HDTV?

Certainly in theory the 819 line system was HDTV, but as has already been mentoned the pictures were rarely better than our 405 line system due to the limitations of the technology of the day. The pictures would of course have looked smoother, especially on larger screens, as the line spacing would have been much less than our 405 and the European 625 systems.
I would have loved to have seen an 819 line picture especially on a later 20/24" tv from the late 1960's or 1970's just to compare the quality against our 405 and 625 line pictures.
BTW the 625 line system was and still is hailed as high definition, this was one of the main points (as well as colour) that they were pushing during the early 1970's to urge more people to change over from 405.
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