Thread: Television set?
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Old 12th Dec 2019, 4:24 pm   #62
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Near Lincoln, UK.
Posts: 483
Default Re: Television set?

The full French description for a TV set is la poste de télévision.

I was never any good at French and at school this phrase always perplexed me. I had visions of a post with a CRT stuck on top, or perhaps it was a pillar box? I was puzzled and my French teacher just rolled her eyes at my question. Seemed to be a perfectly good question and after all these years I still don't have an answer!

As for Australia - I was very puzzled as to what a 'pokie' could be as there were adverts all over the place. 'Poker Machine', I was told, and all fell into place. Makes 'telly' look very mild.

Ho hum, perhaps it all adds some colour to life!

Best regards,

Paul M
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