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Old 11th Apr 2020, 8:22 pm   #46
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Default Re: Marconi C100 B28 vs. Eddystones

Did they come up with any notable points of praise/detraction? I got the feeling that it was a commendable attempt to come up with what, for the time, was a well-specified general coverage receiver that ticked the professional expectation boxes of the time (4-gang tuning with 2x RF stages for good image suppression, separate LO and mixer stages for improved stability, 3x IF amps for good passband and AGC performance, and a good selection of IF bandwidths plus a narrow AF filter) and yet used simple consumer radio production techniques and components so that lots could be churned out quickly and cheaply at a time of duress. The baked paper coil formers would have been a minimal-cost option but probably don't age well, especially in humid conditions, and the CR100 seems to have carried a reputation as prone to drift- which is a shame, as otherwise it would be a very good radio. I particularly liked the dual-speed coaxial tuning drive which on mine was very smooth and precise after overhaul, but I have heard it can be prone to wear and damage. The commercial-quality mains transformer also seems to have been a weak point.
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