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Old 3rd Jun 2021, 2:04 pm   #21
Michael Haardt
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Titz, Germany.
Posts: 72
Default Re: New SC/MP II system

That was certainly a reason, along with the fact that Tiny BASIC was free and offered enough to easily write simple programs.

Writing a good virtual machine is a really hard task. There have been a few and most of them are rather slow, because they resemble real machines or follow some pure model, which causes lots of overhead. One of the best VMs I have seen is , targeting the 6502, but the design itself is inspiring. There is a nice presentation on Youtube. It is neither a virtual stack machine, nor a virtual register machine, but a great hybrid that avoids much addressing overhead, as stack VMs do, and offers the dataflow advantage of register VMs. A SC/MP port would probably be as slow as NIBL, but it might still be fun.

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