Thread: A confession
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Old 6th Nov 2020, 10:37 pm   #36
Join Date: May 2005
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Default Re: A confession

Interesting stuff still getting skipped today. Sometimes you just dont have space for it nor means of transport.
Things I regret doing, I dismantled a couple of clocks ( actually one I never liked so not worried really ). Taping over dad's recordings of the choir mum and he were in, unique recordings but tape was expensive then, now everything I taped is on 24/7 repeat on daytime telly. Unsoldering for parts (that I never used) some of dad's constructions - I will make them back one day. I regret dad scrapping some of the older cars in the 1970s but didnt have the knowledge (or skills) to keep them in life. Pluping for charity funds my 1970s comic collection - worth a bit now, and selling some USA ones too cheap.
Radios went off at least to charity stores but I suspect they ditched them. I allowed a pianiola and harmonium from church to be broken up - difficult to stop others thinking they were not progressing into a new electronic world.
I left a couple of 1960s plastic transistor radios and a plastic camera in the car window one summer day, they curled up nicely due to my ignorance.

Probably now guilty of keeping a few too many electrical items again with the promise I will get them working.
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